PUNE: Separate groups of Pune rural and Pune metropolis police that visited the bungalow of IAS trainee officer Puja Khedkar’s mom, Manorama, in Baner at 7am and 10am Sunday, needed to return from the gates as no one responded to their repeated name.
SP (Pune rural) Pankaj Deshmukh advised TOI, “We needed to query Manorama Khedkar relating to the rioting and threatening case registered by police following grievance by a farmer in Mulshi taluka.” The case was registered after a June 5, 2023, video surfaced through which Manorama, accompanied by personal bouncers, was seen waving a pistol throughout an argument with some farmers over land possession.
On Saturday, police recorded statements of witnesses and carried out spot panchnama. At 7am Sunday, officers reached Manorama’s bungalow.
On not getting any response from contained in the bungalow, police crew pasted the discover on the gates and returned. The discover, addressed to Manorama, mentions particulars of the case and refers to violation of phrases of license in wake of misuse of the firearm. It additional directs Manorama to answer to the discover inside 10 days, failing which the firearm license shall be cancelled.
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